- To set-up the “Purnujjal Papiya Ghosh International Centre.”
- To encourage excellence in educational and academic pursuits, at all levels, especially for disadvantaged groups.
- To facilitate efforts to achieve women’s empowerment and security.
- To enhance sensitization on Human Rights and Constitutionally guaranteed Rights and means of accessing them, including inter-alia, providing legal literacy and legal aid in deserving cases.
- To enable analyses and informed debates / dialogues on issues of public importance, inter-alia, relating to securing justice, promoting universally respected principles of integrity, accountability, transparency, harmony, equity and generating ideas on effecting reforms, wherever necessary, in Institutions of governance and strengthening the democratic structures and processes.
- To build bridges of understanding and bring about efficient global networking with like-minded individuals / Institutions / Organizations, through appropriate use of technology, on issues of topical public importance, as outlined at (e) above.
- To help identify, commend and disseminate innovative solutions to present day problems.
- To appreciate, in contempory terms, and seek to propagate the best of Indian heritage and culture, nationally and globally, through appropriate strategies.
- To engage in other related, incidental and allied activities to realize the achievement of the Objectives, as outlined at (a) to (h) above.
Objectives of Trust